
Cryocommunity was invited to speak at the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting session C21A The Cryosphere is for All: Towards a More Diverse and Inclusive Cryospheric Sciences I, with a Q&A session on Tuesday 14 December 2021 08:00-09:15 CST.


Watch our talk below or view on the AGU Fall Meeting website.

Our talk is fully captioned however you have the option to download a full transcript here.


The field of glaciology remains one of the least diverse sub-disciplines of geosciences. This lack of diversity stems from the legacy of cultural and structural exclusion of marginalized scholars that is pervasive in STEM fields, and acute in glaciology. These barriers exist throughout career trajectories—from undergraduate and graduate programs extending through post-graduate careers inside and outside of academia. Here, we present examples of best practices, collated on our website cryocommunity.org, that are designed to build an inclusive glaciological community for all career stages. We focus on research-informed tools that will support individuals across career stages, as well as those aimed at strengthening our community through cultivating a more inclusive culture. In particular, we recommend strategies to build equitable and inclusive spaces within our research groups, for all workplace environments, including the lab and field and conferences. We also outline recommendations to reduce bias in the graduate admissions process and support students through graduation and beyond. Ultimately our goal is to open a dialogue about the changes needed to create an equitable and inclusive culture within glaciology and share resources amongst the community.