Gear Sharing
A new resource to lend and borrow cold weather gear, view packing lists, and share information between cryospheric scientists.
A need for connection to resources regarding gear sharing, packing lists,
and a list of local used gear shops. To address this need, CryoCommunity is
developing a gear sharing database that will directly connect individuals
seeking to borrow gear to those willing to lend gear. Region or
discipline-specific packing lists for fieldwork are also being collected
for community use and availability.
Example Packing Lists
Add a packing list to database
Gear Stores
Fieldwork Guides
Used Outdoor Gear Store Guide in the U.S.
ADVANCEing FieldSafety through PSECCO Resources
A Broke Girl's Guide to Getting Gear
A Broke Girl's Guide to Getting Gear Part 2
EarthScope Consortium Resources
Juneau Ice Field Research Program used gear resources and participant forum